Mr. Jason Winnett
Bariatric Surgeon

Melbourne's Weight Loss Surgery Experts

Explore holistic weight loss solutions, led by Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon Mr. Jason Winnett.

Discover Jason’s Winnett Approach

Over 23 Years of Changing Lives

Opting for Winnett Specialist Group means choosing a journey where you are heard, understood, and cared for beyond the surgical procedure. 

Led by Jason Winnett's two decades of specialised expertise as a Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon, our holistic approach is patient-centered from start to finish. 

Supported by our dedicated team of dietitians, psychologists, and consultants, we aim to achieve significant health improvements and a happier lifestyle for you.

Choosing the right operation for you

We recognise that weight loss surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution and every patient's journey is unique. The right surgery for you will depend on a range of factors that take your mental, emotional and physical health into account

Following a thorough medical assessment, we'll recommend the ideal surgery option for you, ensuring you're well-informed about the procedure, risks, benefits, and costs. Our goal is to keep you comfortable and informed throughout your journey with us.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric Band/LAP-BAND® Surgery



Success Stories

Pat's journey to better health after Gastric Sleeve surgery

Discover Pat's transformative experience with Gastric Sleeve surgery. From facing life-threatening health challenges to embracing a renewed vitality in his 50s, Pat's story is a testament to the life-changing impact of our weight loss procedures.

Book your first consultation

Start Your Journey with Jason Winnett

Your first step towards a healthier, happier life starts with a conversation. 

Having supported many patients from Geelong, we ensure seamless care regardless of our Melbourne location, extending our commitment to your wellness journey.

Reach out to us, and let Jason Winnett and the Winnett Specialist Group team guide you with expertise, empathy, and genuine care.